I am so excited! The kitchen is famous! Well, maybe not famous, but it's featured on Elizabeth LePla's Elf Miniatures website! Click here to have a look.
Just to celebrate, I've taken another pictures of the kitchen and the utensil holder I bought from The Dolls House Mall; another fantastic website containing some more truly beautiful items.
And one of the gorgeous terracotta pot with a spiders web inside...
...which inspired me to get on with more of the exterior whilst I'm waiting for some bits for my living room...
I added pathway and grass in the front garden. I went to Hobbycraft to get a sheet of self adhesive "grass" and they didn't have any, but I found this model railway turf. Personally I think it looks better.
From matchsticks and other bits of wood I made a little picket fence. The final touch is a "wrought iron" gate I made from wood and curtain rings.
THAT'S why I took a day off work!